The Watchman Speaks
The Watchman Speaks provides biblical solutions to modern day dilemmas, current events, and issues faced by Christians and non-believers. Nothing is off limits as the Watchman scours the Holy Bible to present real answers to real problems. The Watchman will issue warnings when there are dangers lurking on the horizon. Join the Watchman and learn how he studies the Bible and addresses topics you'll likely never hear attempted from the pulpit.
Podcasting since 2023 • 107 episodes
The Watchman Speaks
Latest Episodes
107 I Am A Dangerous Man
Am I a dangerous man? Yes, not in the way of bringing chaos by breaking the law or doing physical harm to others. What is a dangerous man? Are you are dangerous man? Why would you want to be dangerous? Hear The Watchman Speak! You may be surpri...
Season 3
Episode 107

106 The Season I.m In
We all go through seasons in life. That is reality.. However, does the season that you think you're in align with the season that God is operating in? It all boils down to time, specific dates, and repeating cycles of time and dates that are fo...
Season 3
Episode 106

105 Just Because It Can Be Done Does Not Mean It Should Be Done
Today, The Old Watchman addresses the notion, "Just because it can be done does not mean that it should be done. There are some things that are better left undone. Which leads to a more important issue which is, "Somethings that cannot be done ...
Season 3
Episode 105

104 Just Because Something Is Hard To Do Does Not Mean It Should Not Be Done!
I'm what you would call an amateur woodworker. I use hand tools. Some say it's harder to use hand tools and a lot slower to get things done. I say, "Just because it's hard to do does not mean that it should not be done. That applies to wo...
Season 3
Episode 104