The Watchman Speaks
The Watchman Speaks provides biblical solutions to modern day dilemmas, current events, and issues faced by Christians and non-believers. Nothing is off limits as the Watchman scours the Holy Bible to present real answers to real problems. The Watchman will issue warnings when there are dangers lurking on the horizon. Join the Watchman and learn how he studies the Bible and addresses topics you'll likely never hear attempted from the pulpit.
107 episodes
107 I Am A Dangerous Man
Am I a dangerous man? Yes, not in the way of bringing chaos by breaking the law or doing physical harm to others. What is a dangerous man? Are you are dangerous man? Why would you want to be dangerous? Hear The Watchman Speak! You may be surpri...
Season 3
Episode 107

106 The Season I.m In
We all go through seasons in life. That is reality.. However, does the season that you think you're in align with the season that God is operating in? It all boils down to time, specific dates, and repeating cycles of time and dates that are fo...
Season 3
Episode 106

105 Just Because It Can Be Done Does Not Mean It Should Be Done
Today, The Old Watchman addresses the notion, "Just because it can be done does not mean that it should be done. There are some things that are better left undone. Which leads to a more important issue which is, "Somethings that cannot be done ...
Season 3
Episode 105

104 Just Because Something Is Hard To Do Does Not Mean It Should Not Be Done!
I'm what you would call an amateur woodworker. I use hand tools. Some say it's harder to use hand tools and a lot slower to get things done. I say, "Just because it's hard to do does not mean that it should not be done. That applies to wo...
Season 3
Episode 104

103 The Fast Paced, Casual Christian
It's a face paced world that we live in. So much to do and so much chaos to circumnavigate. AND so little time to get it all done. Is it really worth it? Here The Watchman Speak! There is wisdom here if you will listen.
Season 3
Episode 103

102 The Word for This Season Is "WISDOM"
There is a fresh wind blowing here at The Watchman Speaks. Things are going to be done a little differently and those things will be implemented rather soon. I am excited about the coming changes. These changes will be for our mutual benefit an...
Season 3
Episode 102

101 It's About to Hit the Fan!
There is an old cliche about manure hitting the fan and being splattered about. It is such a situation that we all face at one time or another. The deciding factor of the ending result will be how you react to such situations. Are you prepared ...
Season 3
Episode 101

100 Wisdom for the New Year!
A New Year is upon us. It is a new beginning. What will you do with 2025? How will you speak and act? How will you deal with emotions brought forth by frustrations? How will you look after your health? How will you interact with your spouse, yo...
Season 3
Episode 100

099 Merry Christmas To All
I, personally, do not believe that Jesus was born at Christmas, but that is of little matter. Anytime we can gather to celebrate our Lord and Savior is a great day! Best Wishes to all from The Watchman Speaks!
Season 2
Episode 99

098 Building Your House
God allowed two historic temples built in His Name to be destroyed because of the sins of a nation. Shows how much stock God puts into buildings. But we are a temple in which Holy Spirit dwells. How are you building your house?
Season 2
Episode 98

097 A Shift to the Right
Is Ecclesiastes 10:2 is applicable to what is happening in our country? Is justice about to be implemented or is it revenge? The time has come to let your yes be yes or for your no to be no. Where do you stand?
Season 2
Episode 97

096 Is Life a Futile Endeavor?
Solomon's wisdom is unsurpassed. It amazes me how much of his wisdom has been forgotten or neglected. Is life a futile endeavor? May it never be! Hear The Watchman speak! Life is worth living!
Season 2
Episode 96

095 America Is In An Identity Crisis
Have you seen the news? Or, have you heard the outcries of the woke movement? Is it that they feel their identity has been threatened? Do you know your identity? Hear The Watchman Speak!
Season 2
Episode 95

094 The Discipline of the Lord
Discipline is something that we are all lacking in. Could it be that a lack of discipline indicates a lack of faith? Without faith it is impossible to please God. Do we need to please God? Hear The Watchman Speak. You can decide for yourself af...
Season 2
Episode 94

093 I Am Thankful
With the elections over, there are some who are disappointed. Some are even afraid. The Watchman is thankful that the elections are over. Now, let's ALL turn to God and move forward.
Season 2
Episode 93

092 Whom Will You Serve?
The Feasts of God have been completed for another year. Now is not the time to let up. The Presidential Election is looming on the near horizon. Our nation is in trouble. Our nation has lost the "Fear of the LORD". Is your faith in political fi...
Season 2
Episode 92

091 Catching Up After Vacation
The Watchman was silent last week. He has been on vacation at home. He has been preparing and celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles, working in the wood shop, and he has been praying. He and the wife went to vote in the early voting here in Tenn...
Season 2
Episode 91

090 Clearing the Air for the High Holy Days
It's time to clear the air regarding the High Holy Days! Let's all pray for the people who have suffered and lost during the floods in East Tennessee and Eastern North Carolina. Let us remember and celebrate the Feasts of God during this season...
Season 2
Episode 90

089 Greed and The Day of the Great Shout
Greed has come to the forefront of our society and within the church. It ought not be so. The Day of the Great Shout, Yom Teruah, is close to hand. Now is the time to repent of greed.
Season 2
Episode 89

088 Happy Anniversary! It's An Important Date!
This week Cheryl and I will celebrate our 27th Wedding Anniversary! But our marriage is more than a legal document. Our marriage is a covenant that we have made with each other. IT IS a covenant that we have made with God. We honor that. But Go...
Season 2
Episode 88

087 Stop and Consider ....
Are you, the church, the bride of Christ? Have you been faithful to the beloved? Jesus has made a covenant with you. However, a covenant is a promise between two or more parties. Are you truly the beloved's? Have you kept covenant with the groo...
Season 2
Episode 87

086 How I Love God's Seasons
The month is ELUL. The season is for Teshuvah. Make the best of the opportunities at hand. It's not too late to take that first step.
Season 2
Episode 86

085 A New Season Is Beginning
"Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li" means "I am my beloved's, my beloved is mine." Song of Solomon 6:3. The month of ELUL begins Tuesday, September 3, 2024. ELUL is an acronym for "Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li". The question being during this beginning of a n...
Season 2
Episode 85

084 It's the Same, but Not?
Sometimes we can see things in the Old Testament that are repeated in the New Testament, word for word. Such is the case with Psalm 22 and the Crucifixion of our Lord and Savior in the Gospels. It is the same, but not. It's not done yet. Learn ...
Season 2
Episode 84